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server Stránky o měkkýších
06.03.2024 12:07

Měkkýši národní přírodní rezervace Jazevčí v CHKO Bílé Karpaty [Molluscs of Jazevčí National Nature Reserve in the White Carpathians PLA]

The Jazevčí National Nature Reserve is located in the southern part of the White Carpathians PLA near the Javorník nad Veličkou village. The reserve protects a heterogeneous landscape with meadows, groves, springs, and creeks. This diversity is reflected in the mollusc assemblages, which contain nine out of ten ecological groups. In total, 58 mollusc species are known from the reserve, 56 being terrestrial gastropods with one aquatic snail and one bivalve. Most diversity consists of forest species, followed by the euryvalent and hygrophilous species. Three species are listed in the Red List of Threatened Species: Daudebardia brevipes (VU), Bythinella austriaca (NT), and Vertigo angustior (VU), the latter also being internationally protected under Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive. Vertigo angustior was found in a deciduous forest, a habitat highly unusual for this species. Trochulus villosulus, a rare species, was found in a wet meadow near the Velička stream. As most species diversity is found in groves and forests, a non-intervention regime is suggested to retain their species diversity, while meadows should be managed extensively by kettle grazing or mowing.

23.01.2024 13:28

Vodní měkkýši Odlezelského jezera [Aquatic molluscs of Lake Odlezly]

The Odlezelské jezero National Nature Monument was established to protect Lake Odlezy, the youngest natural lake in the Czech Republic, situated near Odlezly in western Bohemia. This lake was created in 1872 by a landslide that blocked the stream. The aquatic molluscs of this unique site were studied in 2013 and 2023. Altogether, 16 species (8 gastropods and 8 bivalves) were found at 13 sites. Molluscan communities in the streams, springs and small wetlands surrounding the lake are very poor, consisting of 1–4 species. In contrast, 13 species were found in the lake. Particularly notable are the probably extensive populations of mussels Anodonta cygnea and Unio tumidus, which are rare in western Bohemia.

11.12.2023 13:07

Měkkýši přírodní rezervace Jedlový důl v CHKO Jizerské hory (Česká republika) [Molluscs of the Jedlový důl Nature Reserve in the Jizerské hory Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic)]

The Jedlový důl Nature Reserve is located in the central part of the Jizerské hory PLA near the village of Josefův Důl in northern Bohemia. The reserve protects a geomorphologically important mountain valley with rocks, waterfalls, semi-natural forests on talus slopes, and rare montane plant and animal species. The local mountain biotopes are quite acidophilic, represented by a few springs, mountain brook, beech woods, and mixed talus slope forests with the predominance of spruce. Thus the surveyed malacofauna with 18 species (17 terrestrial gastropods and 1 bivalve) is relatively poor. Currently, forest and ubiquitous species are dominant there and are widespread in the Jizerské hory PLA.

13.11.2023 18:14

Suchozemští plži kontinentálních zaplavovaných luk u řeky Labe mezi Lysou nad Labem a Mělníkem [Terrestrial gastropods of the continental flooded meadows by Elbe river between Lysá nad Labem and Mělník]

Mollusc fauna in three localities of continental flooded meadows in Úpor-Černínovsko Nature Reserve and in Káraný – Hrbáčkovy tůně Nature Reserve in the Middle Polabí lowland were studied. No species of conservation importance were found there, and most of the species found belong to generalists. The sites form a gradient from un-mowed to completely mowed meadow. Management resulted in a decrease in species diversity and, conversely, an increase in abundance towards the completely mowed site characterized by a high abundance of Vertigo pygmaea, species of early succession stage.

20.10.2023 13:00

NPR Šúr – významná lokalita vodních měkkýšů [Šúr National Nature Reserve – an important habitat for aquatic molluscs]

The Šúr National Nature Reserve is one of the most significant wetlands in Central Europe, featuring an extensive area of alder carrs. In 2023, a study was conducted on the aquatic molluscs within this reserve. In total, 20 species of aquatic molluscs (17 gastropods and 3 bivalves) were found across 11 sites. Most species thrive in overgrown shallow to periodic habitats, which aligns with the characteristics of the predominant habitats formed by alder carrs and reeds. The rare and relict gastropod Valvata macrostoma has been verified at Šúr NNR. The population of Ladislavella occulta was found, constituting the second known site of this species in Slovakia. These research findings are following previous survey results.

07.08.2023 13:49

Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2022

This paper presents important faunistic records obtained from the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2022. Two new non-native species, Lauria cylindracea and Mieniplotia scabra, were recorded indoors, and also two new non-native species Cochlicella acuta and Testacella haliotidea were found outdoors in the Czech Republic. New occurrences of the non-native species Ambigolimax valentianus, Corbicula fluminea, Cornu aspersum, Ferrissia californica, Helix lucorum, Krynickillus melanocephalus, Sinanodonta woodiana and Tandonia kusceri were confirmed. New records of several endangered species, e.g. Anisus septemgyratus, Gyraulus acronicus, Vertigo moulinsiana, Margaritifera margaritifera, Pisidium amnicum, P. hibernicum, P. globulare, P. pseudosphaerium, Pseudanodonta complanata, Sphaerium nucleus and Unio crassus, are also presented. Location data are published with all details in a supplementary table.

12.06.2023 13:56

Měkkýši NPR Špraněk: 140 let bádání v Javoříčském krasu (střední Morava, Česká republika) [Molluscs of Špraněk NNR: 140 years of malacological research in Javoříčský karst (Central Moravia, Czech Republic)]

The Špraněk NNR, as a prominent part of the Javoříčko Karst, has long been a focus of malacological research. In this study, we have assembled all the information on the mollusc fauna regarding this area by compiling literature data, records from the Natural History Museum in Prague, and data from our own field research. Since the end of the 19th century, 86 species of molluscs have been recorded. The malacofauna is dominated by preserved forest communities with a significant proportion of xerophilous and calciphilous species. The three most represented ecological groups are strictly forest (31%), woodland (15%), and euryvalent (15%) species. European and Central European species comprise the largest portion of the species composition, but a significant component is also represented by Alpine and Carpathian species, as the area lies on the border between the Bohemian Massif and the Carpathians. Despite its small area, the Špraněk NNR hosts a rich mollusc community of both conservation and zoogeographical value.

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